Member Visits in the Pacific/Northwest – February 4 – 8


As seen in Precision Machined Products Association (PMPA) Weekly Reports

After weather delays and re-routed flights, our intrepid travelers, PMPA 1st Vice President, Mike Reader and Executive Director, Bernie Nagle made it to Portland OR on Sunday evening, Feb. 4. Fortunately for Mike, he was able to make it in time for a dinner date with Robin and Dave Parker, Metric Machining. Regrettably, Bernie’s arrival was delayed until after midnight, which meant another in-flight snack pack on United. Lesson learned: Avoid flying though O’Hare in the winter.

Their first plant visit was to Enoch Precision Machining in Clackamas, OR, where they were greeted by Erick Frack, CEO. Since assuming the role two years ago, Erick has worked with his team to initiate a number of changes in structure which have been paying off well. They toured the facility with Erick and John Rhodes, Director of Manufacturing & Engineering. With an interesting mix of machining technologies, Enoch is well positioned to accommodate a diverse customer base.

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